Our team possesses experience in the design of transmission projects throughout nearly the entire voltage spectrum, allowing us to position Ampirical’s services among all utilities nationwide. This experience is also complete with regard to the various design functions within a complete system, such as substation design, line design, relaying and SCADA design, structural design, and cybersecurity.

Why Ampirical?
Our continuous goal is to provide value to our customers by delivering superior service and always meeting the highest quality standards set by the industry and our customers.
Competitive Advantages
Ampirical brings to customers the talent and experience of its people with the following attributes:
- Pride in working with our clients to understand the processes, specifications, and standards so we meet or exceed expectations
- Knowledge of how to successfully scope and estimate engineering and project services
such that customers are not hit with unnecessary change orders - An innovative 3-D modeling process that yields a higher quality design in far less time,
with impressive community presentation tools available as a secondary benefit - The requisite speed to react and respond to extremely short RFQ and other bid timeframes with accuracy
- Extensive relationships throughout the industry with material suppliers, construction firms, specialty service providers, and other parties that can be brought to bear on customers’ projects
- A desire to win customers, not projects, that permeates the culture of the organization and influences the key decision-making processes
- The ability to execute large, capital-intensive EPC projects
- A deep understanding of utility-grade reliability
- Total focus on and commitment to the electrical T&D Industry
- A management team with over 200 years of combined utility experience
- Open communication with clients and listening without compromising their needs and preferences
- Quick response to all requests
- Dedicated Client Teams
Commitment to Quality
We’re dedicated and committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of service possible. Our focused effort in providing an ever improving Quality Assurance/Quality Control program is essential to exceed all project requirements. We take a very serious approach to having multi-level checking procedures along with enhanced software checks to assure an extremely high-quality product. Providing the pinnacle of quality service to our clients is our responsibility and we take accountability in accomplishing this commitment by:
- Listening to our customers and understanding their requirements
- Focusing on our customer needs, developing solutions and responding quickly
- Focusing on continuous improvement of our services
- Creating value for our customers
- Delivering our service on-time
- Building client trust
Sample of Clients